34 Results

UC team lands first place in first Ethics Bowl competition

March 4, 2021

It was a true Cinderella story. Competing for the first time in the Intercollegiate Ethics Bowl, the University of Cincinnati beat out 36 other teams to win the 25th annual APPE competition. UC bested teams from Stanford University, Northwestern University and West Point, among others. “Shock, delight and pride,” Daniel Mattox, team coach and graduate instructor in philosophy, described his reaction. “It was unexpected that we kept winning, but I was delighted by the team’s efforts. They are so utterly brilliant and hard-working, and I’m so proud of everything they accomplished.” Organized by the UC College of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Philosophy, the team qualified for the national competition in the Central State regionals last November. Participants on the UC team included Emma Duhamel, Philosophy and Interdisciplinary Studies major; Dom Duponty, Philosophy and Chemistry major; and Caitlin Powell, Philosophy and Spanish major.


UC to become home for Philosophy of Science Association

August 25, 2020

As of January, 2021, the Philosophy of Science Association (PSA) moves its executive office to the University of Cincinnati for a five-year term. Located in UC’s College of Arts and Sciences and affiliated with the Department of Philosophy, the PSA move will bring new academic opportunities and increased reach to humanities studies at UC. “This formal partnership with the PSA is a nice recognition in the field of philosophy of our department’s strength in this area,” says Angela Potochnik, professor of Philosophy and director of UC’s Center for Public Engagement with Science.


UC to host event exploring evolving artificial intelligence

April 4, 2022

A conference and workshop to analyze the practical and ethical impact of artificial intelligence (A.I.) will be hosted this month by UC’s department of philosophy, the Institute for Research and Sensing (IRiS), with support from the Taft Research Center. “Machine Learning, Abstract Thought, and the Expanding Reach of AI: Ethical and Conceptual Frontiers” will be held April 7 -8 from 1 .m. to 6 p.m. in Probasco Auditorium, 2839 Clifton Ave., with a welcome address by UC Provost Valerio Ferme at 1 p.m. on Thursday. The conference portion of the event is free and open to the public.


What is Neuroscience?

November 5, 2021

Have you ever thought about thinking? Or have you been interested in how the brain works and makes us function? What about how the brain makes us behave? If you have, the neuroscience program at UC’s College of Arts & Sciences may be the right major for you. Neuroscience, by definition, is the study of the nervous system. While it is based on the nervous system, neuroscience includes many disciplines like physiology, anatomy, molecular biology, computer science and mathematical modeling. UC is one of the few schools in Ohio that offers a comprehensive major in neuroscience, and many students go on to careers in medicine, pharmaceutical or biotech research, or clinical psychology, to name a few. The neuroscience program in A&S has three focus areas: Brain, Mind & Behavior (thinking about thinking); Neurobiology (how the brain works); and Neuropsychology (how the brain makes us behave). Each focus area is a four-year program that confers a bachelor’s of science degree.