6304 Results

SPIA faculty speak to media regarding national defense leaks

April 17, 2023

An intelligence leak by a young Airman has the U.S. Department of Defense rethinking access and security clearances. Faculty at UC's School of Public and International Affairs convey their opinions to media on how secure the country's secrets are, and should be.


Forbes: When did mammoths go extinct?

January 24, 2023

UC paleontologist Joshua Miller tells Forbes that environmental DNA can persist for centuries or even millennia, making it unreliable as a barometer for dating extinction events.


BBC: Scientists discover frog that can't croak

February 6, 2023

The BBC and other international media report on the astonishing discovery of a new species of frog in Tanzania that is voiceless. UC biologist Lucinda Lawson and her research partners describe the new species in the journal PLOS ONE.