Women's leadership development program kick-starts at UC 1819 Innovation Hub

UC Warren Bennis Leadership Institute transforms the future of women

A transformative leadership program is underway at the University of Cincinnati 1819 Innovation Hub as UC’s Warren Bennis Leadership Institute launches its Women's Leadership Development Program.

During a three-day kick-off event in early January, future women leaders delved into uncharted territories to unlock the full spectrum of their leadership potential.

Through a rigorous selection process, 33 graduate and undergraduate students, now part of an exciting cohort, were selected to be part of this developmental experience.  This group of future trailblazers collaborated with leadership experts in various sessions throughout the event, exploring the intricacies of topics such as emotional intelligence, diverse leadership cultures and styles, and the essence of leader identity to name a few.

Donna Chrobot-Mason, PhD, academic director of the Warren Bennis Leadership Institute reflected on the weekend retreat, “After spending three days together at the 1819 Innovation Hub, we began to see these young women dream together and tap into their leadership potential to improve their community for themselves and others.”

After spending three days together at the 1819 Innovation Hub, we began to see these young women dream together and tap into their leadership potential to improve their community for themselves and others.

Donna Chrobot-Mason, PhD. Academic Director of the Warren Bennis Leadership Institute

Enabling leaders

Student participants engage in leadership activity. Photo credit: Molly Scruta

Student participants engage in leadership activity. Photo/Molly Scruta

This unique cohort-based program is an immersive hands-on experience that allows student leaders to design community-based leadership projects, engage in four team sessions with a dedicated leadership mentor and culminate their journey with a celebratory graduation in early April 2024.

The program is designed as a pathway for young women to become empowered leaders ready to make a lasting impact on the world.

Next Innovation Scholar, Faith Rider, shared how the summit, in collaboration with Lead Beyond, was a wonderful opportunity to explore different facets of leadership.

“The best leaders know how to step up and step down at the crucial moments. You have to critically assess your situation at every step and determine what structure works best,” said Rider. “Leadership is not always being at the top of a ladder, or even directing a team. It's often the listeners who take the time to learn everyone's name, or the person who makes enthusiasm skyrocket when they join the meeting.”

Rider characterizes the retreat as an enlightening experience, observing the leadership capabilities of each individual as they willingly and actively contribute to personal and collective development.

Other student attendees, such as Alex Lowenthal, claim the “Growing in Leadership” initiative allowed her to grow as a leader in ways she didn't know was possible. “Going into the 3-day conference, I was very nervous. However, leaving the conference, I left with a toolbox filled with innovative ideas, memories, and a new mindset that will set me up for success in all aspects of my life. I'm very excited for this upcoming semester to work with my team and our mentor on our project proposal! I can't wait to see what Warren Bennis has in store for me in the future. An experience I won't forget," Lowenthal said.

In the months to come as groups embark on their community projects, each participant will continue their confidence-building and liberating exploration, identifying and honing their skills as they unleash their inner leader.

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