4036 Results

UC Nursing alum continues to further advocacy efforts for LGBTQ+ community

June 27, 2024

University of Cincinnati alum Cole Williams, BSN ’23, has continued to stay busy post-graduation. In addition to working at the med-surg floor at Tufts Medical Center, in Boston, he continues to make strides at Pride and Plasma, a group he founded in 2022 to advocate for revising blood and tissue donation guidelines.


Free Wi-Fi, work area coming to Greater Cincinnati

June 27, 2024

St. Lawrence Park in Price Hill now has free Wi-Fi and a furnished outdoor space for community members to access digital needs. The space is part of The Nodes Project, which stands for “Neighborhoods of Design Engagement": a collaboration between UC DAAP communication designers and community entities.


Your chances of a migraine increase with hotter temperatures

June 21, 2024

Vincent Martin, MD, professor in the UC College of Medicine, spoke with Cincinnati's Fox 19 about his latest research on migraines and hotter temperatures. His findings were reported by CBS News and the Miami Herald and internationally in publications such as Venezuela’s Noticias Venevision and Indonesia’s Suara Merdeka.


Born to run

June 20, 2024

Former professional athletes have advantages in running for political office, UC’s David Niven tells The Atlantic. Niven, an associate professor in the School of Public and International Affairs, teaches a course on sports and politics.


Engineering’s gender gap narrows

June 20, 2024

UC's College of Engineering and Applied Science has launched the careers of many women across engineering disciplines. With much to celebrate, women say there is still more to do to reach equity in the workplace.


Rising temperatures possibly linked to increased city crime rate

June 20, 2024

Criminal Justice expert J.Z. Bennett interviewed by Fox 19 for his expertise on the relationship between rising temperatures and rise in crime. Bennett says there is no single cause to point to for the rise in crime during a heat wave, but that youth involvement in crime might be due to peer pressure and lack of supervision.


Grace Hall’s journey from National Guard to nursing school

June 18, 2024

As a dedicated member of the Army National Guard while balancing classes at the University of Cincinnati, Grace Hall has navigated a challenging but rewarding path toward her ultimate goal — a nursing degree. Her journey, marked by military service and academic excellence, reflects her unwavering commitment to making a difference in the medical field.