7106 Results

UC HEALTH LINE: Oral Contraceptive Myths

February 7, 2006

UC fertility expert and contraceptive researcher Michael Thomas, MD, says there are many myths and misconceptions about birth control. Dr. Thomas separates fact from fiction in this week's Health Line.


UC HEALTH LINE: Blood Donation--A Feel-Good Way to Save Lives

February 14, 2006

More than 4.5 million Americans are saved each year by a single, selfless act donating blood. But experts say that number could be higher. Although 60 percent of the U.S. population is eligible to donate blood, only 5 percent actually do. This week's Health Line addresses some of the myths associated with blood donation that may account for low turnout at blood drives.


Study Links 'Hunger Hormone' to Memory and Learning

February 19, 2006

Research appearing in the March 2006 Nature Neuroscience shows that the hormone ghrelin, known for its regulation of food intake and body weight, could be involved in processes leading to memory loss associated with aging and Alzheimer s disease.


New Research Confirms How Allergy Shots Help Patients

February 23, 2006

UC's Fred Finkelman, MD, led a study confirming what scientists have suspected for years but never proven that allergy shots work because the injected IgG antibody, a protein that the body develops to protect itself, blocks off the invading allergen and prevents a reaction. The research could lead to improved protection for allergy sufferers.