7106 Results

Local 12: How COVID-19 vaccines keep you from getting sick

August 4, 2021

Local 12 reporter Liz Bonis spoke with Shimul Shah, MD, and other Tristate physicians about whether there is still a need for vaccinations as breakthrough cases of COVID-19 affect vaccinated residents. Shah is a professor of surgery and division chief of transplantation in the UC College of Medicine.


Local 12 News: COVID booster shots, who needs them and why?

August 13, 2021

The FDA is now allowing a third dose of the vaccine in transplant patients and those who have compromised immunity to protect against COVID-19. UC transplant surgeon Steve Woodle, MD, spoke with Local 12 News about the new move from the federal government.


A Perfect Match Day 2010 at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine

March 18, 2010

­It was a double dose of congratulations for University of Cincinnati (UC) medical student Melissa Korb on Match Day 2010. That s when Korb, 27, not only learned she d be conducting her general surgery residency training at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Medical Center, but she d be doing so as the future Mrs. Rob Dempsey, UC College of Medicine Alum, 09.


UC HEALTH LINE: Prewashed' Salad Still Needs Cleaning

March 11, 2010

For people trying to get in their recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables, prepackaged green salads are an easy way to start a meal. But there s growing concern that these convenient items aren t as ready to eat as advertised.