7108 Results

UC HEALTH LINE: In Treating Stroke, Time Is of the Essence

February 22, 2008

Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of major disability in the United States. Successfully treating ischemic stroke is dependent on how quickly treatment is given to break up the blood clots that clog key vessels and cause this type of disease.


UC HEALTH LINE: Gum Disease Can Lead to an Unhealthy Heart

February 28, 2008

You ve repeatedly heard it from your dentist since your very first teeth cleaning and checkup: brush twice a day and don t forget to floss. But this advice may contribute more to your health than a mouth full of cavity-free teeth, according to cardiologists at UC.


New Canine Clinic Adds Research Dimension to Audiology Program

March 5, 2008

UC opens the doors this month to a full-service canine audiology clinic. Located on the Academic Health Center campus in the French East building, the clinic will provide audiology services to dogs and give audiology students an opportunity to conduct baseline animal research.