8193 Results

Making an impact through medicine

October 6, 2021

UC medical student Rohan Rao received unprecedented grant funding for summer brain tumor research in the lab of Soma Sengupta and Daniel Pomeranz Krummel and participates in a number of other College of Medicine activities in preparation for his goal to work as a clinician scientist.


Personalized treatments for blood and bone cancer

September 30, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have joined a nationwide clinical trial exploring the effectiveness of personalized treatments for patients with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML), a cancer of the blood and bone marrow.


Transgender breast cancer care

October 14, 2021

UC's Dr. Annie Brown discusses breast cancer screening recommendations for transgender patients and ways to make care more accessible and equitable.


Unlocking the mysteries of cell migration

June 6, 2022

The University of Cincinnati's Atsuo Sasaki and an international team of collaborators have been awarded a Human Frontier Science Program research grant to learn more about how cells migrate, with an ultimate goal of developing new treatments to prevent cancer growth and spread.