7514 Results

Bearcats making a difference in East Africa

May 10, 2023

Marian Spencer Scholars, NEXT Innovation Scholars and UC students from Engineers Without Borders are traveling with Village Life Outreach Project to Tanzania for a host of service projects promoting healthcare, education and access to clean water.


UC’s $10.6 billion impact

May 9, 2023

The University of Cincinnati delivers a significant economic boost to the region and state of Ohio thanks to alumni impact, operations and research spending, student demand for goods and services, launch of startup companies and more.


New probe aids novel findings on cell functions

May 8, 2023

The University of Cincinnati's Jiajie Diao and Yujie Sun led recently published research showing the use of a new cellular probe helped discover new findings about certain cellular processes.


How to make the faculty job search less discouraging

May 5, 2023

Postdoctoral researchers often get little useful feedback about ways to improve their job applications for faculty positions. So a University of Cincinnati anthropologist set up a pilot program that invited postdoctoral researchers to review each others’ application documents.


Action News 5: PEP Buddy helps people breathe easier

May 5, 2023

A hands-free device developed by researchers at the University of Cincinnati could help the 12.5 million Americans who have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease breathe easier, Action News 5 in Memphis, Tennessee, reported.