9789 Results

UC study examines treatment for opioid use disorder

November 17, 2020

A national study being led by UC researchers is investigating whether a medication already used to treat opioid use disorder in women who are pregnant may be more beneficial in an extended-release form.


Putting patient health into their own hands

September 16, 2021

UC researchers are leading a pilot study examining how art therapy delivered through an app and pet robots can affect the mood of patients with hearing loss. The collaborative study seeks to allow patients to take their health into their own hands and increase accessibility of interventions.


Obesity and binge eating: a disrupted clock in our body?

May 19, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati and the Lindner Center of HOPE are hosting a unique clinical trial to see if readjusting the circadian system of people with binge eating behavior can help in understanding more about why this occurs and develop new treatment options in the future. Scientists are using tabletop lamps and melatonin supplements to test their theory.


Studying a new way to treat depression

January 20, 2021

A University of Cincinnati researcher has received a United States patent to continue a study looking at a method for using electrical stimulation of the spinal cord to treat certain psychiatric conditions, like depression.


Treatment for teen anxiety

August 25, 2020

UC researchers took a first look at one particular medication for treatment of anxiety disorders in pediatric patients to see if it was beneficial.


Addressing anxiety with an app

August 5, 2020

Jeffrey Strawn, MD, teamed up with experts at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center to create an app to help children deal with anxiety caused by the pandemic.