4916 Results

UC researchers build data network to minimize flooding impact

December 2, 2020

A team of University of Cincinnati researchers is working to predict how flooding will impact cities and how to mitigate the resulting economic and human suffering. With the backing of a $5 million grant from the National Science Foundation, UC associate professor of environmental engineering Lilit Yeghiazarian is leading phase two of the research project with a multidisciplinary team to create the Urban Flooding Open Knowledge Network. The network merges data that can provide reliable flood-related information to anyone who needs it.


UC professor joins Ohio environmental advisory council

December 16, 2020

Lilit Yeghiazarian, associate professor of environmental engineering at the University of Cincinnati, was invited to join Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost’s scientific advisory council. The 13-member council includes leading researchers representing nine Ohio universities who will advise the attorney general and his team on current environmental issues and pinpoint areas of potential future impact in Ohio.