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Just the (Co-op) Facts

August 9, 2005

The University of Cincinnati drives the Cadillac of co-op programs and rightly crows about its role as the first to found the educational practice. Below are some background facts about co-op and the laurel wreaths of "firsts" we wear.


Allied Health to Sponsor Health-Related Majors Expo

April 15, 2003

The College of Allied Health Sciences is sponsoring a Health-Related Majors Expo in the West Campus Events Pavilion on April 29. Participating colleges include Allied Health Sciences, Education, Medicine and Nursing, along with the Career Development Center, the Pre-Professional Advising Center and the Health Careers Information Center.


General Education Update: What's Ahead

June 3, 2003

A new report on UC's revised General Education Program examines what has been accomplished since the program was first launched in fall 2001, as well as what's ahead.


Psych Department s Secret

November 14, 2004

Have you ever wondered what the best kept secrets in Cincinnati are? Joel Warm, professor of psychology and director of graduate studies, basic science, believes one of them is the remarkable record of academic excellence and accomplishment in his department, the college, and the university.


Twenty-two Finalists for 83rd Annual C-Ring to Be Awarded May 14

May 9, 2005

The C-Ring is an award given each spring to the outstanding graduating senior women at UC. Selected by a diverse committee of UC faculty, staff, students and alumnae, the winner is announced at the annual banquet, which will be Saturday, May 14 this year.