8809 Results

UC Cancer Center leads COVID-19 studies

May 4, 2020

The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center is joining the international hunt to uncover knowledge about the coronavirus. The UC center will focus on an area it is far too familiar with: patients with cancer.


Channeling the immune system

November 24, 2020

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered new clues into why some people with head and neck cancer respond to immunotherapy, while others don’t.


CNBC: 'Off brand' vaccines for kids

August 27, 2021

The school year rapidly approaches amid a surge in pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations, and parents desperately want to know: When can young children get the vaccine? UC's Carl Fichtenbaum weighs in.


A new treatment for rare muscular disease

April 16, 2021

Hani Kushlaf, MD, presented findings on a new treatment for Pompe disease, a rare neuromuscular disease, virtually at the American Academy of Neurology on April 17.


A new combination for cancer treatment

January 22, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati have tested a new combination therapy in head and neck cancer animal models to see if they could find a way to make an already effective treatment even better.


A new co-driver in breast cancer

March 9, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered that cooperation between two key genes drive cancer growth, spread and treatment resistance in one particularly aggressive type of breast cancer. The good news is, though, with this knowledge, they can continue to aim their targeted treatments at these genes, singularly and together, to stop breast cancer in its tracks.