1828 Results

How to leverage Google Analytics for business decision-making

As a business owner, you may want your website to be easy to find, engaging and effective at converting browsers into customers. Google Analytics can help you. This powerful tool not only tracks the number of visits to your website but also provides key insights into how your website is performing.


Writing a business plan

Business plans are the foundation of your business. Good plans will guide you through each stage, from starting and managing to becoming a roadmap for how to structure and grow your enterprise. While there’s no right or wrong way to write a business plan, it is important that your plan meets your needs. Most business plans are either traditional or lean startups. Each has four key elements of both formats.


How to conduct a profit margin analysis

A profit margin measures the percentage by which revenues exceed the costs of doing business. A profit margin analysis takes that a step further, analyzing the profitability of your business over time. You can easily calculate your company’s profit margin by finding your net income (gross income minus expenses), dividing that net income by your revenue, then multiplying the result by 100 to get a percentage.


UC alumnus uses construction industry expertise to give back

August 25, 2023

Steve Kuhn, a 1986 construction management alumnus from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS), has long had a reputation for serving his community and providing opportunities to others. His latest venture, a charitable organization called ShareBuilt, connects construction professionals with nonprofit groups.


Can I inflation-proof my new business?

Starting a new business is a challenge even in a good year. During periods of high inflation, new businesses can combat financial uncertainty by focusing on what they can control — creating value for the customer. The bottom line: If your product or service is valuable enough, especially in uncertain times, customers will sacrifice in other ways to buy it.


Starting the year strong: 3 essential New Year's habits for entrepreneurs

January 3, 2024

As a new year begins, entrepreneurs find themselves at a crucial crossroads — a time to reflect, strategize and set the stage for success in the upcoming year. Here are three New Year's habits that can pave the way for your success, according to our in-house expert Kate Harmon, executive director at the University of Cincinnati’s Center for Entrepreneurship.