8582 Results

USA Today: Vitamin D and COVID-19

June 15, 2020

Tamara Ward, a specialist in oncology nutrition at the University of Cincinnati Cancer Center, discusses nutrition and the immune system in this USA Today article.


WCPO: Post-COVID anxiety

November 12, 2020

A UC expert discusses a new study from the University of Oxford that shows around 20% of COVID-19 survivors are struggling with mental health issues after recovering from the disease.


Cincinnati Enquirer: COVID-19 vaccine becomes Cupid's helper

June 11, 2021

After months of isolation, getting back out there may be hard for some people, said Dr. Caleb Adler, professor of psychiatry and behavioral neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati. There's a sense of natural anxiety that comes with being out of the dating game for a while – especially when the apps are put to the side.


Healthline: New HIV variant discovered: May be more infectious and severe

February 7, 2022

New research from the University of Oxford finds a new variant of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, that is potentially more infectious and could more seriously affect the immune system. So far, 109 people, most of whom live in the Netherlands, have the variant. In a story published by Healthline, Carl Fichtenbaum, MD, of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the UC College of Medicine was one of the experts cited reacting to this new variant.


WVXU: 'Springing' forward means more daylight but also more health problems and less sleep

March 14, 2022

A Congressional committee heard testimony this week on the pros and cons of switching between standard and daylight saving time. Many people say they like having the extra hour of daylight, but sleep professionals say it's a bad idea. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine is continuing the push to abolish daylight saving time. Research shows most people get an hour less sleep on daylight saving time. That has a host of health and safety implications. In a story posted by WVXU, Ann Romaker, MD, of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and director of the Sleep Medicine Center at UC Medical Center, said the time change creates the potential for a variety of health problems.