7210 Results

Deutsche Welle: Vaping while pregnant: What we know

February 7, 2024

Ashley Merianos, PhD, an assistant professor of human services, is proving herself a sought-after expert for media commentary on the toxicity of tobacco and the effects of tobacco related behaviors such as smoking and vaping.


Media Production launches summer in LA internship program

February 7, 2024

UC College-Conservatory of Music's BFA Media Production program announces the "Summer in LA" internship program, provided students with the opportunity to work and live in the heart of the film and television industry while earning college credit during paid internships.


Putting control in patients' hands

February 6, 2024

A new University of Cincinnati trial, in partnership with Spark Biomedical, will test a wearable neurostimulation device to help patients with opioid use disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder stick with medication treatment while finding the right dose.


Get answers to all your co-op questions

At the University of Cincinnati, undergraduate engineering degrees take five years to complete, unlike the typical four-year bachelor's degree program. But that extra year is incredibly valuable for students to gain a head start on building their careers. Students receive unique, hands-on experiences during their time at the College of Engineering and Applied Science (CEAS) through the cooperative education (co-op) program. Co-op is built into the curriculum and students alternate between semesters in the classroom and semesters working full-time in industry or research.