7211 Results

UC HEALTH LINE: 'Tis the Season for Back Pain

November 29, 2007

The holiday rush is on, but finding the perfect gift could be the least of your worries if you aren t protecting your back as you maneuver through malls, wait in long lines and lift heavy packages.


UC HEALTH LINE: Adjusting Your Diet as the Seasons Change

August 29, 2006

A great summer season for fruits and vegetables may have been just what the doctor ordered for people wanting to switch to a more healthful diet. But as we move into fall, healthy eaters might be worried about how they ll maintain their nutritious eating routine.


UC Academic Health Center Graduates Secure Lucrative Jobs

June 7, 2006

Students graduating from the University of Cincinnati (UC) College of Pharmacy won t be worrying about what they will do now 100 percent of PharmD graduates have accepted high-paying jobs or are heading to pharmacy practice residencies.


UC HEALTH LINE: Speech Offering Clues to 'Sleepiness'

May 3, 2007

Finding ways to measure sleepiness has become increasingly important to a number of professions. One UC speech expert hopes that by identifying speech changes in sleep-deprived individuals, new, noninvasive steps can be taken to help the number of fields interested in this topic.


New Canine Clinic Adds Research Dimension to Audiology Program

March 5, 2008

UC opens the doors this month to a full-service canine audiology clinic. Located on the Academic Health Center campus in the French East building, the clinic will provide audiology services to dogs and give audiology students an opportunity to conduct baseline animal research.


Groundbreaking Stroke Recovery Center Launched at Drake

November 25, 2008

University of Cincinnati clinicians today announced they have launched a groundbreaking, interdisciplinary service at Drake Center designed to help stroke survivors achieve the fullest possible recovery, regardless of whether their stroke occurred days or years in the past.