9789 Results

Using data to improve care for traumatic brain injuries

November 16, 2023

The University of Cincinnati Gardner Neuroscience Institute's Brandon Foreman recently published survey results identifying areas of consensus and needs for further research to develop a standard practice for comprehensively monitoring brain health in the intensive care unit.


A new treatment for rare muscular disease

April 16, 2021

Hani Kushlaf, MD, presented findings on a new treatment for Pompe disease, a rare neuromuscular disease, virtually at the American Academy of Neurology on April 17.


A new co-driver in breast cancer

March 9, 2021

University of Cincinnati researchers have discovered that cooperation between two key genes drive cancer growth, spread and treatment resistance in one particularly aggressive type of breast cancer. The good news is, though, with this knowledge, they can continue to aim their targeted treatments at these genes, singularly and together, to stop breast cancer in its tracks.


Identifying risk factors following ICH strokes

March 28, 2022

The University of Cincinnati's Daniel Woo and colleagues recently published a paper in JAMA revealing new insights on how different risk factors following intracerebral hemorrhages can affect patient outcomes.