6296 Results

Regional media: UC expert talks about abandoned wells

September 15, 2022

UC College of Arts and Sciences associate professor Amy Townsend-Small talks to the WFMP program Sustainability Now! and WOSU's the Ohio Statehouse about Kentucky's leaking oil and gas wells and a new federal initiative to cap them.


UC offers new environmental studies degree

February 9, 2022

The University of Cincinnati’s College of Arts & Sciences has announced a new environmental studies bachelor of arts program to complement its current bachelor of science degree. The new interdisciplinary program will take a less scientific approach to the discipline, focusing on environmental history, philosophy, literature and writing, society and culture, and the implementation of environmental policies.    The new degree is designed to to fill the areas of knowledge that environmental studies students have wanted in the curriculum, such as writing-heavy courses and a more humanities-based approach, says David Stradling, professor of history and chair of the committee for the environmental studies BA program.


UC launches school dedicated to environmental studies, solutions

August 14, 2023

The University of Cincinnati has launched its new School of Environmental Studies and Sustainability (SEaS) within the College of Arts & Sciences. “The faculty who worked to create a new unit for environmental studies were driven by the desire to improve curriculum, including adding new degrees, as well as increasing research opportunities,” says professor David Stradling, interim director of SEaS.


Feather chemistry helps track origin of birds

October 11, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati are using geology and rainfall patterns to track migratory birds of prey across North America. Using an innovative combination of isotopes from the feathers of kestrels, goshawks and other predatory birds called raptors, researchers can narrow down where the young birds likely hatched and learned to fly. This method offers a useful tool to help scientists track elusive, wide-ranging animals, identify critical habitats and observe any changes in migration patterns.


UC grad students bring geosciences to Northside Farmers Market

November 8, 2023

Families bring their children to Cincinnati’s Northside Farmers Market every Wednesday, rain or shine, for the vibrant social hub and healthy, and affordable foods. This year, a group of UC grad students has added a new feature to the 20-year-old market tradition— Science Harvest, an outreach initiative designed to share science with local communities through conversation and hands-on learning activities.