1515 Results

The sounds of sweet freedom

April 20, 2023

Raymond Towler, an Ohio Innocence Project exoneree, will perform as part of the Exoneree Band for OIP's 20th anniversary celebration event set for Thursday, May 18, at Cincinnati's Music Hall. The gala celebration will also feature keynote speaker, bestselling author John Grisham.


MedPage Today: Functional neurological disorder may still carry stigma

April 19, 2023

The University of Cincinnati's Alberto Espay was featured in a MedPage Today article commenting on a recent review that found functional neurological disorder is often misunderstood and needs further recognition and parity in medical education, research and clinical service.


Nat Geo: Exploring our love for cute, and ugly-cute, animals

April 17, 2023

Exotic animals such as axolotls, bearded dragons and capybaras have become online sensations with billions of views on TikTok. To determine why these cute, or ugly-cute, animals are so popular, National Geographic turned to a University of Cincinnati professor.