1516 Results

Using bacteria to target cancer treatment

March 28, 2023

Researchers led by the University of Cincinnati's Nalinikanth Kotagiri, PhD, have published new research showing proof of concept for using engineered bacteria as an adapter to deliver targeted radionuclide treatment to tumors.


CCM alums lead new Off-Broadway musical 'Walking with Bubbles'

March 24, 2023

Walking with Bubbles, a one-woman musical opening March 31 at the AMT Theater in New York, is the culmination of years of work by talented artists. There’s something special about this production, though: it’s written, directed, designed by and starring UC College-Conservatory of Music (CCM) alumni and faculty!


WLWT: A change in mammography standards could help save lives

March 23, 2023

The University of Cincinnati's Erich J. Boomgarden, MD, provided expert analysis of a new Food and Drug Administration policy that will require health care providers to tell women if they have dense breast tissue, a change that could save lives.


UP-NEXT study tests ovarian cancer treatment

March 21, 2023

Amanda Jackson, MD, is the site principal investigator at the University of Cincinnati for the UP-NEXT trial that is testing a new treatment for a subset of ovarian cancer patients.