6757 Results

UC physicists cast doubt on neutrino theory

August 10, 2020

An international group scientists has produced one of the most stringent tests for the existence of sterile neutrinos to date. The scientists, including particle physicists from the University of Cincinnati, published their results in Physical Review Letters.


UC students help create world's biggest supercomputer

May 29, 2020

Daniel Corcoran, a computer science major in the University of Cincinnati's College of Engineering and Applied Science, is part of an international effort to turn everyday computers into a networked supercomputer to tackle public research projects.


Mastodon: But I would walk 500 miles...

June 13, 2022

Using isotopic analysis of its tusks, researchers tracked the ever-increasing seasonal migrations of a male mastodon across what is now Indiana, Ohio and Illinois more than 13,000 years ago. It's the first study of its kind to examine the seasonal movements of the largest extinct Ice Age animals.


UC project targets pesky mosquitoes’ genes

February 21, 2022

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati examined genetic material of three species of mosquitoes responsible for killing millions of people around the world each year. In a collaboration between UC’s chemistry and biology departments, researchers revealed the surprising genetic modifications female mosquitoes undergo, in part to create the next generation. Using tools called liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, researchers found as many as 33 genetic modifications in the transfer RNA of female mosquitoes. Like DNA, transfer RNA serves as the building blocks of life, communicating the genetic code from DNA to build new proteins that regulate the body’s tissues and organs.


How to track animal of legend? Look to the poop

July 18, 2023

A team of researchers led by the University of Cincinnati applied isotopic analysis to jaguar scat to investigate the habitat needs of the big cats in the Mountain Pine Ridge Forest Preserve of Belize in Central America. The study demonstrates a novel and noninvasive technique for identifying the landscape use and conservation needs of elusive wildlife.


How to make the faculty job search less discouraging

May 5, 2023

Postdoctoral researchers often get little useful feedback about ways to improve their job applications for faculty positions. So a University of Cincinnati anthropologist set up a pilot program that invited postdoctoral researchers to review each others’ application documents.


How to spot a fake

December 6, 2022

University of Cincinnati chemists, geologists and art historians are collaborating to help area art museums answer questions about masterpieces and detect fakes — and teaching students about their methods.