Provide input on the 2024 campus master plan update
UC PD+C and SmithGroup seek input in revising campus’ master plan
The University of Cincinnati’s internationally renowned architectural master planning effort was initially launched in 1989 and, ultimately, earned acclaim in design-related books as well as countless newspaper and magazine articles chronicling the university’s efforts as a model for other institutions.
For instance, in 2006, the Chicago Tribune opined of UC: “The spectacular revamp is one of the most significant acts of campus planning since Thomas Jefferson laid out his ‘academic village’ at the University of Virginia…..” Moreover, outlets from The Los Angeles Times to The New York Times similarly focused on UC, even crediting the university with “…the most ambitious campus-design program in the country…”
Building on that success, the next iteration of the campus master plan is now underway thanks to a partnership between UC’s Planning, Design + Construction and SmithGroup, a global architecture, engineering and planning firm.
Input from students, faculty and staff is needed to help direct and inform campus vibrancy, beauty and sustainability far into the future.
Please provide your voice via the MapMyCAMPUS interactive tool. Using the tool, you can share your thoughts on a series of questions based on your experiences at the University of Cincinnati. Participate on your phone, your tablet, or your laptop.
In addition, find out more about upcoming steps in the space planning process at the 2024 Physical Campus Master Plan Update site.
Featured image at top: UC students on UC's MainStreet. Photo/UC Creative + Brand
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