UC Law professors honored with university awards

College of Law professors honored for mentoring and faculty excellence

Two University of Cincinnati College of Law faculty members ae being honored with university awards.

Emily Houh, Gustavus Henry Wald Professor of the Law and Contracts, and co-founder of the Nathaniel R. Jones Center for Race, Gender, and Social Justice, is the recipient of the Faculty-to-Faculty Research Mentoring Award.  This award honors faculty who have demonstrated excellence in peer mentoring for advancing research with colleagues at various stages of their careers.  Professor Houh’s mentorship has helped the college’s junior faculty thrive as scholars, teachers, and stewards of the college. In addition to being a pathbreaking scholar, she is an outstanding classroom teacher and a four-time recipient of the Goldman Prize for Excellence in Teaching.   

Ryan Thoreson, assistant professor of Law, is the recipient of the Provost’s Faculty Excellence Award. This award honors faculty whose research, teaching, and service to the University and the wider community reflects exceptional performance.  In addition to being a gifted educator and scholar, Professor Thoreson is an advocate for justice in our community and beyond.

Professors Houh and Thoreson will be recognized at an awards ceremony during the University’s Research and Innovation Week, scheduled for Friday, May 3 at 3:00 pm in the Digital Futures building.    

Lead photo: Perkins Will Design;  Houh: UC Photography; Thoreson: provided

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