3216 Results

Protect Company Assets by Mitigating Cyber Risks

April 8, 2021

Cyber threats and insurance have become a ubiquitous business issue. Insurance is intended as a vehicle to transfer catastrophic risk to carriers contractually in consideration for premium dollars. There is no coverage area where the risks evolve more rapidly than cyber, and so the insurance must evolve with it.


Unlocking Your Company’s Value

April 8, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced businesses to adjust the way they operate. We now meet virtually, find new ways to engage with our employees, and rethink the way we do business. It has been a year of transition as our companies are adapting to a new normal, and it is the perfect time to unlock and discover new value opportunities in your organization.


Protect Yourself With Thoughtful Estate Planning

April 8, 2021

Now is a good time to review personal and family estate planning. Many new opportunities are developing considering the rising optimism with the broader economy, the new administration, and the new Congress. Although the future remains uncertain, there are many things that can be done in the present to protect the interests of your loved ones and yourself.


UC Foundation Board of Trustees elects six new members

May 11, 2021

The University of Cincinnati Foundation Board of Trustees has elected six new trustees to its 52-member board: Paul D. Green, BBA ’90; Lourdes J. Harshe, BBA ’92; Anndréa M. Moore, BBA’10; Arun C. Murthy, BBA ’95; Kirk L. Perry, BBA ’90, HON ‘15; and Christopher J. Van Pelt, BA ’91, MA ’93.


Three additional days off for UC employees

July 14, 2021

President Neville G. Pinto announced that UC employees will receive three additional days off in 2021 for going 'above and beyond' during the pandemic. The time away will take place during Winter Season Days.


Passing the Baton

August 10, 2021

The past several years have engendered an unprecedented environment for family businesses. When faced with these market pressures, how does a successful family business enterprise respond? What is “success” in a climate like this — and how does succession come into play?