10592 Results

Ancient Maya faced bane of urban sprawl, too

October 27, 2022

The ancient Maya’s Calakmul once was the biggest city in the Americas, full of apartment complexes, temples and shrines stretching across an area the size of Washington, D.C. New mapping tools are giving an international team of scientists their first complete look at the scale and complexity of the enormous metropolis hidden beneath centuries of rainforest.


UC finds ancient Maya reservoirs contained toxic pollution

June 26, 2020

A diverse team of biologists, chemists, anthropologists and geographers from the University of Cincinnati identified toxic mercury and algae in two central reservoirs of Tikal, an ancient Maya city, in the ninth century shortly before the city was abandoned.


More than ceremonial, ancient Chaco Canyon was home, new UC study says

October 27, 2021

University of Cincinnati interdisciplinary research reveals ancestral puebloans in ancient Chaco Canyon interacted with local ecosystem to thrive for more than a millennium, but unsustainable deforestation practices likely contributed to destabilizing environmental impact prior to their final exodus.


Ancient Maya built sophisticated water filters

October 22, 2020

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Cincinnati discovered evidence of a sophisticated filtration system in the ancient Maya city of Tikal in what is now northern Guatemala.


Secret weapon to stop invasive species: satellites

August 31, 2020

The University of Cincinnati found that satellite imagery can identify nonnative and invasive Amur honeysuckle, an ornamental shrub introduced from Asia that has spread in forests across much of the United States.


UC experts’ Maya research featured in Cincinnati Museum Center exhibit

July 28, 2020

The Cincinnati Museum Center officially opened Maya: The Exhibition last week, and with it a hands-on companion exhibit developed by an interdisciplinary team of Maya experts from the University of Cincinnati College of Arts and Sciences. Originally slated for a March 14 opening, the exhibits were shuttered until late this month after the state lockdown resulting from the novel coronavirus pandemic. In its U.S. premiere, the exhibit features more than 300 original objects—from massive, carved-stone slabs to elaborate jade jewelry to tools and everyday items—that explore Maya culture. From 1000 BC to 1500 AD, Maya civilization spanned the jungles of Mexico, Guatemala and Belize, noted for its innovations in science, agriculture, astronomy and mathematics.


UC project targets pesky mosquitoes’ genes

February 21, 2022

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati examined genetic material of three species of mosquitoes responsible for killing millions of people around the world each year. In a collaboration between UC’s chemistry and biology departments, researchers revealed the surprising genetic modifications female mosquitoes undergo, in part to create the next generation. Using tools called liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, researchers found as many as 33 genetic modifications in the transfer RNA of female mosquitoes. Like DNA, transfer RNA serves as the building blocks of life, communicating the genetic code from DNA to build new proteins that regulate the body’s tissues and organs.