3510 Results

UC engineering professor named highly cited researcher

November 22, 2022

Dionysios (Dion) Dionysiou, University of Cincinnati professor of environmental engineering, was named a 2022 Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate for the fifth consecutive year for his research work developing technologies and strategies to identify, monitor and treat water pollutants and toxins, including PFAS and cyanotoxins. He was recognized in three categories — engineering, environment/ecology and chemistry.


COVID vaccinations lag in rural, underserved communities

December 15, 2022

A new study in the Lancet found that wide disparities in health care coverage, particularly in rural areas, hampered vaccination efforts during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings point to a hidden divide in America between those with ready geographic and financial access to doctors, hospitals and clinics and those without.


How to make the faculty job search less discouraging

May 5, 2023

Postdoctoral researchers often get little useful feedback about ways to improve their job applications for faculty positions. So a University of Cincinnati anthropologist set up a pilot program that invited postdoctoral researchers to review each others’ application documents.


Local 12: UC startup gains approval for trials

May 30, 2023

A startup founded by four University of Cincinnati physicians gained FDA approval to move forward with clinical trials for its portable system that can detect brain injuries, Local 12 reported.


‘Everything is made out of something’

July 5, 2023

Ashley Paz y Puente is an assistant professor of materials engineering at the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering and Applied Science. Supported by the prestigious National Science Foundation CAREER grant she was awarded in 2022, Paz y Puente is researching how to create stronger and lighter weight materials that could be applied to almost everything we use in our daily lives. She is seeking to better understand the Kirkendall effect in the process of diffusion.