4689 Results

UC startup aims to reinvent physical therapy

August 16, 2022

A University of Cincinnati Venture Lab-backed startup is looking to reinvent the physical therapy market with a new approach that offers hope for a more effective and more convenient way to provide treatment.


From lab to legacy inside UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub

December 12, 2023

In the vibrant corridors of the University of Cincinnati, pioneering research extends beyond the confines of laboratories — it launches revolutionary ideas poised to reshape the world. The key to safeguarding these innovations lies in the swift and savvy journey through the 1819 Innovation Hub’s technology transfer and patent licensing process, a vital approach for both faculty and the university.


Spring break renaissance: Makerspace becomes haven for innovation

April 1, 2024

During spring break, the University of Cincinnati's 1819 Innovation Hub Makerspace is typically a ghost town. After opening the space during "Maker Break," UC faculty and students populated the 12,000-square-foot prototyping and fabrication haven in a win-win opportunity, acquiring machine certification and the time to complete their senior capstone and passion projects.


UC’s Ground Floor Makerspace births combat robots

April 17, 2024

In the heart of UC's 1819 Innovation Hub lies the Ground Floor Makerspace, an advanced and active hub of ingenuity where students, faculty and the community converge to bring their ideas to life. This includes being the birthplace of robots much like miniature race cars, combating fender to fender in an enclosed boxing ring. Combat robots like UC's Maximizer will again be fighting for first place in the National Havoc Robot League (NHRL) competition, slated for April 20.


Delivering fresh discoveries

November 21, 2022

A boomerang best describes Dan Whitacre’s career path. No matter where the flight course led, he always returned to Kroger. Five times over the last four decades. As senior director of Kroger Labs and Transformation, a University of Cincinnati alumnus and adjunct professor, Whitacre is the first to tell you that his career journey studying to be an electrical engineer and computer programmer has had many twists and turns.


UC senior licensing associate paves way for invention success

July 6, 2023

Meet Madison Bourbon, a University of Cincinnati staffer who helps harness the intellectual capital discovered at the university. Bourbon is a senior licensing associate for the Technology Transfer team in the 1819 Innovation Hub and is pursuing her master’s in molecular genetics, biochemistry and microbiology at UC.


Local 12: UC startup gains approval for trials

May 30, 2023

A startup founded by four University of Cincinnati physicians gained FDA approval to move forward with clinical trials for its portable system that can detect brain injuries, Local 12 reported.