University of Cincinnati celebrates DAAP's class of 2024: shaping tomorrow's creatives and innovators

Discover their achievements as they graduate into the alumni family, showcasing exceptional talent

The University of Cincinnati's College of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning (DAAP) is thrilled to announce the graduation of its talented class of 2024, welcoming them into the esteemed ranks of the DAAP Alumni family. This diverse group of graduates showcases exceptional knowledge, creativity, and skill, setting the stage for innovative contributions across various industries.

Throughout their academic journey, these graduates have distinguished themselves through their dedication, passion, and relentless pursuit of excellence. Their achievements have not gone unnoticed, with many receiving accolades, scholarships, media attention, and prestigious job offers, affirming DAAP's commitment to fostering outstanding talent.

Meet Joseph Curtsinger

Joseph Curtsinger, Industrial Design '24 headshot

Joseph Curtsinger, Outstanding Graduating Senior awardee, 1819 Innovation DAAPworks awardee, New Venture Championship runner-up, Photo/HATSUE.

A senior in industrial design, Joesph Curtsinger is focused on entrepreneurship and building ventures around his ideas. He is currently building a start up around his capstone, Minnow, designed to simplify pool care.

He recently secured runner-up in the New Venture Championship competition, earning $6,000 to further fund the development of his venture. Reflecting on the experience, he said, “the competition provided me with an opportunity to merge the skillset I have cultivated as an industrial design student over the past five years in DAAP with my personal passion for entrepreneurship.”

From groundbreaking architectural designs to awe-inspiring works of art and cutting-edge technological advancements, the class of 2024 has demonstrated the transformative power of design and creativity. Their projects have not only garnered recognition within the university but have also resonated with industry professionals and cultural enthusiasts worldwide.

Meet Joyce Zheng 

Joyce Zhen, Architecture '24 headshot

Joyce Zheng, semi-finalist for a Fulbright Scholarship to Singapore, Photo/HATSUE.

Architecture senior, Joyce Zheng is focused on sustainable methodologies, cultural sensitivity + appreciation, and experimental innovation. The most impactful experience during her time as a Bearcat was her journey with Resilient Communities in Morocco, made possible through the Cooperative Education Program and International Experience Program here at UC: “Collaborating with local partners and communities, I contributed to designing spaces for schools, facilitating workshops, and organizing community-engagement activities, with a focus on empowering residents, particularly the youth,” says Zheng. “From exploring diverse cities to crafting meaningful designs, every moment taught me invaluable lessons in collaboration and cultural understanding. This immersive opportunity broadened my horizons in sustainable development and sparked personal transformation. It fostered within me a deep sense of empathy and resilience, significantly influencing my pursuits in the field of architecture”.

The success of this graduating class would not be possible without the dedicated faculty whose mentorship has played a pivotal role in their success.

"Witnessing the growth and creative evolution of our graduating students fills me with immense inspiration and pride," expressed Muhammad Rahman, Assistant Professor of the DAAP, School of Design. "Their passion, dedication, and innovative spirit continually reaffirm my commitment to teaching. Each student tries their best to brings a unique perspective and set of talents to the studio, helping me to adapt and evolve my teaching methods to nurture their individual strengths."

Witnessing the growth and creative evolution of our graduating students fills me with immense inspiration and pride.

Muhammad Rahman Assistant Professor of DAAP, School of Design

Meet Nukes de Alemeida Nuku-Graves 

Nukes de Alemeida Nuku-Graves, Fine Arts '24 headshot

Nukes de Alemeida Nuku-Graves, SEGD DAAP Honorable Mention awardee, Photo/HATSUE.

A senior in the fine arts program, Nukes Alemeida Nuku-Graves focuses on video game development, animation, and digital art. They are grateful to Associate Professsor, Dr. Katherine Castiello Jones, for the introduction to game development: “Without that class, and without Katherine’s mentorship and kindness, I never would’ve become a game developer and probably would’ve been filled with a lot more despair! Now I’ve found my thing, and I’m glad that DAAP had the flexibility to allow me to do so”.

Introduction to Game Design is now a part of Arts and Sciences + DAAP’s, new BFA in Games and Animation.

Many graduates have already secured prominent job offers, positioning them as leaders in their respective fields upon graduation. Some are even commissioning from ROTC, marking the end of a cadet's career and transition into officerhood. 

Meet Jason Keith

Joseph Curtsinger, Industrial Design '24 headshot

Jason Keith, full-time ROTC student commissioning to 449th Combat Engineer Company, Photo/HATSUE.

Urban planning senior, Jason Keith focuses on regional mass transit systems, looking at how a unified transit provider could allow high speed mass transit opportunities in the future. His last three co-ops have also been in transportation planning and engineering with AECOM in Cincinnati and Los Angeles.

While completing the BUP program at DAAP, Keith has simultaneously dedicated himself to UC's Army ROTC program: “Being a full-time Planning student while in ROTC has been a challenge —but it is also the best thing that I could have done for myself while in school. ROTC's focus on accountably and leadership have allowed me to become more confident in both school and work environments, and most importantly, has allowed me one of the best opportunities available —getting to lead soldiers post-graduation.”

Keith will will commission Sunday and be in the 449th Combat Engineer Company in Fort Thomas, KY.

As the newest members of the DAAP Alumni family, the class of 2024 is poised to make a lasting impact on the world, leveraging their skills and experiences to shape the future of design, architecture, art, and planning. Their journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and the unwavering commitment of the University of Cincinnati to nurture talent and foster creativity.

As they embark on their next chapter, the University of Cincinnati extends its heartfelt congratulations to the class of 2024, confident in their ability to inspire, innovate, and lead in the years to come.

Learn more about DAAP's New Graduates, Class of 2024.

Featured photo at top are individual DAAP senior headshots in a two by five formate. Photo/HATSUE.

Become a Bearcat

Interested in graduating from the University of Cincinnati, College of DAAP one day? Whether you’re a first-generation student or from a family of Bearcats, UC is proud to support you at every step along your journey. We want to make sure you succeed, like the Class of 2024 — and feel right at home.

Apply today.

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