6729 Results

Earth Day is every day for UC sustainability stewards

April 21, 2022

With national Earth Day celebrated on April 22, events across all four campuses are bringing the awareness of UC's green energy initiatives and the improved built environment to light. While Earth Day was created in 1970, today a growing group of sustainability stewards all across UC continue to carry out the original Earth Day mission: from awareness to action.


UC student teams cracking codes for change at MakeUC event

November 15, 2023

Within the sleek confines of 1819’s cutting-edge technology, an army of overnight hackers unleashed a wave of innovation, turning laptops into digital canvases and transforming the ESports Innovation Lab into a virtual battlefield. In the Makerspace’s hidden lair, 3D robotic models were forged — all for a good cause.


Psychedelics face corrupting influence of financial interests

September 22, 2022

Psychedelics such as magic mushrooms offer promise for addressing addiction, post-traumatic stress and other difficult-to-treat conditions. But University of Cincinnati postdoctoral researcher Neşe Devenot says the field is fraught with ethical concerns and financial interests.


Feather chemistry helps track origin of birds

October 11, 2021

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati are using geology and rainfall patterns to track migratory birds of prey across North America. Using an innovative combination of isotopes from the feathers of kestrels, goshawks and other predatory birds called raptors, researchers can narrow down where the young birds likely hatched and learned to fly. This method offers a useful tool to help scientists track elusive, wide-ranging animals, identify critical habitats and observe any changes in migration patterns.


Shift in caribou movements may be tied to human activity

January 22, 2021

Some caribou that trek hundreds of miles each year to give birth and find food shifted their historic migration routes after the 1970s, coinciding with construction of new roads and energy industry infrastructure, according to scientists with the University of Cincinnati.