Local 12: Brothers donate organs to their mother

Mother's Day was extra special for the Knott family this year, as mother Lynette is celebrating recovery from both a liver and kidney transplant. Her sons, Matt and Mark, donated the organs to their mother.

University of Cincinnati experts say there have only been 16 known operations like what they performed on Lynette.

“This is a different way of thinking outside the box a little bit,” Madison Cuffy, MD, associate professor and vice chair for diversity, equity and inclusion in the Department of Surgery at UC's College of Medicine and surgical director for kidney transplant at UC Medical Center.

Following the surgeries, Lynette spent five months in the hospital after complications.

“She developed a life-threatening bleed related to an infection around her kidney, and we had to remove the kidney in order to save her life. We flushed it, we preserved it, and we stopped the bleeding, and we put the kidney back in,” said Cutler Quillin, MD, associate professor in the Department of Surgery in UC's College of Medicine.

Now, Lynette said she is grateful for her sons' gift and the care she received from her medical team.

“I do think it’s a miracle, and I’m blessed. We're all blessed, oh yes, yes, we are,” she said.

Watch or read the Local 12 story.

Photo at top of surgery. Photo/Unsplash.

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