8951 Results

Improving treatment for deadly brain tumors

May 5, 2023

The University of Cincinnati's Soma Sengupta was a co-first author on research published in Cell Reports Medicine New that found that a cancer stem cell test can accurately decide more effective treatments and lead to increased survival for patients with glioblastoma, a deadly brain tumor.


UP-NEXT study tests ovarian cancer treatment

March 21, 2023

Amanda Jackson, MD, is the site principal investigator at the University of Cincinnati for the UP-NEXT trial that is testing a new treatment for a subset of ovarian cancer patients.


Local 12: UC's Pinder named Cancer Moonshot Scholar

October 23, 2023

The University of Cincinnati Cancer Center's Leeya Pinder joined Local 12's What's Happening in Health to discuss her Cancer Moonshot Scholars research project focused on cervical cancer prevention for women living with HIV in Zambia.