4643 Results

What is Africana Studies?

February 29, 2024

In the Africana studies major within UC’s College of Arts and Sciences, you will explore a variety of approaches to understand the experiences of African, African American, Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean, and Afro-European populations globally. This interdisciplinary program blends tools from sociology, psychology, literature, anthropology, politics, and history to address social issues affecting people of African descent across continents and diasporas.


UC discovers way to bind nanotubes to metals

February 29, 2024

Researchers have demonstrated a new chemical process that grafts nanotubes to metal surfaces to create a strong, consistent, conductive link. The process opens up new possibilities for using this strong, lightweight material.


The Independent: This man has been swatted 47 times for making a joke

February 14, 2024

A seemingly harmless take on Twitter turned into an years-long campaign of harassment, death threats and dozens of ‘swatting’ attacks on an individual. An arrest has been made, but swatting needs to be taken more seriously, says UC cybersecurity expert Gregory Winger, an assistant professor in the School of Public and International Affairs.


UC expert helps museum's 'Pompeii' come to life

February 13, 2024

University of Cincinnati Classics Professor Steven Ellis last year published the first of four historical volumes on his work as director of excavations at Pompeii’s Porta Stabia neighborhood. Now he is lending his expertise to a new exhibit on Pompeii at the Cincinnati Museum Center. “Pompeii: The Exhibition” opens at the museum on Feb. 16. It features 150 priceless artifacts from the ancient city.