989 Results

How blind cavefish survive a low-oxygen environment

March 11, 2022

Cavefish have obvious adaptations such as missing eyes and pale colors that demonstrate how they evolved over millennia in a dark, subterranean world. Now researchers at the University of Cincinnati say these incredible fish have an equally remarkable physiology that helps them cope with a low-oxygen environment that would kill other species.


What computers tell us about synthetic biology

March 3, 2022

Creating synthetic life could be easily within our grasp soon based on a comparison with the evolution of computer chips. Computer programming and gene synthesis appear to share little in common. But according to University of Cincinnati professor Andrew Steckl, an Ohio Eminent Scholar, leaps forward in technology in the former make him optimistic that wide scale gene manufacture is achievable.


COVID meets creative clinical

March 3, 2022

UC's Nursing + Design Collaborative creates interprofessional opportunities for innovation for students in the colleges of nursing and DAAP.


CVG and UC put AI to work to shorten airport lines

February 25, 2022

UC College of Engineering and Applied Science doctoral student Javier Viaña used airport technology that identifies the number of people entering the terminals to build a custom algorithm that can help the airport predict surges of travelers in 15-minute increments. The goal is to help the airport anticipate crowding to reduce long waits.


Cryptocurrency helps nonprofits connect to new donors

February 22, 2022

Cryptocurrency is a fast-growing source of donations and helps nonprofits connect with a new demographic of donors, experts said Feb. 17 during a panel discussion hosted by the University of Cincinnati, called Digital Futures Flashpoint Series.


UC project targets pesky mosquitoes’ genes

February 21, 2022

Researchers at the University of Cincinnati examined genetic material of three species of mosquitoes responsible for killing millions of people around the world each year. In a collaboration between UC’s chemistry and biology departments, researchers revealed the surprising genetic modifications female mosquitoes undergo, in part to create the next generation. Using tools called liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, researchers found as many as 33 genetic modifications in the transfer RNA of female mosquitoes. Like DNA, transfer RNA serves as the building blocks of life, communicating the genetic code from DNA to build new proteins that regulate the body’s tissues and organs.


Third COVID-19 wave hit rural America especially hard

February 10, 2022

Rural counties saw 2.4 times more COVID-19 infections per capita compared to urban ones in July and August of 2021, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati. Early data suggest Omicron is spreading faster in urban areas but causing more hospitalization and death in rural counties where vaccination is lagging.


UC partners with U.S. Cyber Command

February 1, 2022

U.S. Cyber Command, one of the 11 unified combatant commands of the U.S. Department of Defense, selected the University of Cincinnati as one of its newest Academic Engagement Network college and university partners.