Emergency rooms see uptick with heat-related illnesses

UC emergency room doctor speaks with Spectrum News on keeping safe during heat wave

As the heat continues in Ohio, it’s important to remember how to stay safe outside and how not to end up in the emergency room.

“We’ve definitely had a small uptick," the University of Cincinnati's Caroline Freiermuth, MD, told Spectrum News. "People are outside and they’re not paying attention. Especially the last couple of days we’ve had a cloud cover which gives you this false sense of security because the sun may not be beating down on you, but yet, it’s still really hot.”

Freiermuth said young children and older populations are the most at risk for heat-related illness, but anyone is susceptible. One sign to look for is if you stop sweating, she said.

“If you stop sweating, it doesn’t mean that all of a sudden it’s not hot," said Freiermuth, associate professor in UC's College of Medicine. "It probably just means that you don’t have enough fluids in you to continue to make sweat. And then your body is unable to naturally help you calm down.”

Freiermuth additionally recommended easing into the heat and avoiding being outside during the hottest parts of the day from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. when possible.

Watch or read the Spectrum News story.

Featured photo at top courtesy of Adobe.

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