Public invited to free OLLI program on recent US Supreme Court cases
University of Cincinnati political science professor emeritus recaps 2023-2024 session
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Cincinnati will host a special free program titled “2023-24 Supreme Court Highlights” with Howard Tolley, University of Cincinnati professor emeritus of political science, on Thursday, July 11, from 7 to 8:30 p.m.
Registrants can attend either in person at UC’s Victory Parkway Campus at 2220 Victory Parkway in East Walnut Hills or online via Zoom.
In another year marked by charges of judicial misconduct and two new abortion cases, the United States Supreme Court considered several critical issues involving criminal charges against former President Trump and his eligibility to resume office.
Tolley, who has doctoral degrees in political science and law, will provide an overview of a session that also included decisions on guns, homelessness, workers’ rights and more. In 2024, as in 1968 and 2000, the court and its justices have become political targets in a close, bitterly contested presidential election.
Tolley has taught courses on the U.S. legal system, the Supreme Court, civil liberties and international human rights for 27 years. As a professional neutral, he served as a labor law fact finder and arbitrator. He now teaches for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at the University of Cincinnati and several OLLI programs in other states.
This program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Register at uc.edu/olli or by calling 513-556-9186.
About OLLI
OLLI at the University of Cincinnati offers a program of noncredit classes and events designed for people aged 50 and better who want to experience the joy of learning in a friendly, fun and engaging community of lifelong learners. Each year, OLLI offers hundreds of daytime programs for personal enrichment ranging from traditional college subjects to hobbies, finances, field trips and more, with no tests or grades.
Featured image at top: The United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. Photo/Brad Weaver/Unsplash
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