3838 Results

UC Unveils Plans for New College of Law Home

September 20, 2017

A sweeping $40 million renovation of Carl. H. Lindner Hall will provide the top-ranked UC College of Law with an expansive, state-of-the-art facility in the heart of UC s campus that more than meets the needs of a 21st century law school.


Salon: Mark Godsey is an American Superhero: He Gets Innocent People Out of Prison

September 24, 2017

Mark Godsey, the director and co-founder of the Ohio Innocence Project at the UC College of Law, is spotlighted in this story for his work in successfully freeing and exonerating more than two dozen wrongfully-convicted men and women and his new book, 'Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Convictions.'


Beyond DACA and DAPA: UC Law Program Focuses on DREAMers

October 25, 2017

UC College of Law will host 'Moving Beyond DACA and DAPA: What s Possible for DREAMers Now?' at 12:10 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 1, in Room 118 of the law school. The panel discussion, which is free and open to the community, discusses the status and future of DREAMers and how local advocates are addressing the issue.