364 Results

Leaving a steady job to join the gig economy? Here are three things you should know

February 21, 2023

Almost 5 million workers quit their 9 to 5s during the pandemic and moved into the freelance industry. According to recent statistics, the global freelance market has an approximate value of $1.5 trillion, which means there is a market for you as a freelancer, regardless of your industry. Discover innovative ways to build freelance success.


Is it a business opportunity or just a good idea? Here’s how you can tell

February 21, 2023

A good idea is just that — an idea. But if it’s a great idea it will make money, solve problems, have viable markets and offer goods at prices consumers are willing to pay. So, if your new service or product fulfills a need or fills a void, check out how willing people will be to pay for your idea. Start by conducting market research.


Five ways to make your social media posts more appealing

March 6, 2023

Social media is not a website; it is a place for short impactful engagement. Using social networks is a powerful way to advertise your company and highlight how you share the same values with your clients. They're quick, easy and free — plus they can reach thousands of people in seconds. But you must use them well!


3 steps to take your idea out of the lab and into the marketplace

At the University of Cincinnati, our faculty, staff and students are driven each day to solve problems that matter. Creating new products and services is the process of innovation. Transferring the resulting intellectual property from the creator to a company that can develop the idea is the process of technology transfer.


Innovative sparks fly at UC Startup weekend

January 31, 2024

The UC Startup, a three-day student competition, took place at the UC 1819 Innovation Hub over the past weekend. With over 190 student applicants from various Ohio regional colleges representing diverse majors and degree levels, the event provided a platform to showcase their innovative prowess, vying for a chance to win prizes of up to $5,000.


Spring break renaissance: Makerspace becomes haven for innovation

April 1, 2024

During spring break, the University of Cincinnati's 1819 Innovation Hub Makerspace is typically a ghost town. After opening the space during "Maker Break," UC faculty and students populated the 12,000-square-foot prototyping and fabrication haven in a win-win opportunity, acquiring machine certification and the time to complete their senior capstone and passion projects.


UC Venture Lab NEXT summer program paves way for student startup success

March 21, 2024

Young founders with an idea or technology they want to develop into a business while still in school have an increasing number of resources to tap into at the University of Cincinnati. Venture Lab NEXT is a student accelerator program designed to offer tailored resources and guidance to student teams who have already gained traction and are seeking specialized mentorship aligned with their industry domain or stage of development.


Delivering fresh discoveries

November 21, 2022

A boomerang best describes Dan Whitacre’s career path. No matter where the flight course led, he always returned to Kroger. Five times over the last four decades. As senior director of Kroger Labs and Transformation, a University of Cincinnati alumnus and adjunct professor, Whitacre is the first to tell you that his career journey studying to be an electrical engineer and computer programmer has had many twists and turns.


UC senior licensing associate paves way for invention success

July 6, 2023

Meet Madison Bourbon, a University of Cincinnati staffer who helps harness the intellectual capital discovered at the university. Bourbon is a senior licensing associate for the Technology Transfer team in the 1819 Innovation Hub and is pursuing her master’s in molecular genetics, biochemistry and microbiology at UC.