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What Is Exploratory Studies? 

February 28, 2023

Did you know that nearly 75 percent of college students change their major at least once? Determining what college major you want to pursue is no small decision. Even if you know what degree and/or career you want, you may consider completing some courses before declaring a major or applying to a specialized program. Housed in the University of Cincinnati’s College of Arts and Sciences, UC’s Center for Exploratory Studies has been recognized by the National Academic Advising Association as a best-practice model for assisting undecided students. It has also been featured in The New York Times.


UC fosters student-led research

December 20, 2022

UC doctoral student in psychology Julia Rabin studies social issues. Her recent study focused on Latinx mental health during the Trump era.


UC professor of Classics tapped for prestigious honorary society

May 31, 2024

The University of Cincinnati’s Jack Davis, Carl W. Blegen Professor of Greek archaeology in the department of Classics, has been elected to the prestigious American Academy of Arts and Sciences. With this honor, Davis joins the ranks of luminaries such as U.S. president John Adams (elected in 1780), language scholar Noah Webster (of dictionary fame, tapped in 1799), and more currently playwright Lin-Manuel Miranda, and actor and philanthropist George Clooney. Begun just four years after the Declaration of Independence was signed, when the U.S. was comprised of 13 colonies, the academy was established by founding fathers in Cambridge, MA.