1175 Results

UC sets all-time summer enrollment record

May 21, 2020

Summer 2020 represents the largest summer enrollment in the history of the University of Cincinnati. Not only are more students than ever enrolling over the summer, more of those students are taking classes full time.


NASA co-op helps shape aerospace engineering student’s future

June 3, 2020

An aerospace engineering student from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Engineering and Applied Science is earning hands-on experience through a co-op internship at NASA Glenn Research Center. Kyle Dunlap hopes to take his experience in electrified aircraft propulsion control systems into his future engineering career.


Return to India amid quarantine has advantages

June 4, 2020

UC international design student, Reeha Das, regretfully travels back to her hometown in India amid UC's COVID-19 campus shut down. While navigating through the chaos of change she finds her inner strength along the way. The uncertainty of transitioning to all online classes leads to tapping into new talents for improvising — skills she will build on in all aspects of her life going forward.