98 Results

Yahoo News: Local experts give thoughts on the objects shot down from sky

February 14, 2023

What's flying overhead has U.S. citizens perplexed, as the U.S. government keeps information about the spy balloon and other objects that were shot down close to the cuff. Two political scientists at UC's School of Public and International Affairs say that you can't show your cards when it comes to cyber capabilities.


What you post on social media matters to employers

February 15, 2023

What you post on social media can be in conflict with your employers standards, says UC social media expert Jeffrey Blevins. More and more often people are getting dinged, or worse, for posts that put their employers in a bad light. Blevins suggests a social media review/edit of content and more thought put into posts.


Reader’s Digest: What is white replacement theory?

June 1, 2022

White replacement theory is a subject that became of popular interest after the Buffalo mass shootings in May 2022. UC social media expert speaks to the ways in which even dark topics are monitored, or rather not monitored, on the internet.