Lindner’s full-time, cohort MBA program includes impactful experiential learning opportunities
Study abroad, capstone projects and localized support create a 360-degree experience
The Carl H. Lindner College of Business’ full-time, cohort MBA degree program is an immersive program that elevates students to new heights, from forging connections with classmates, faculty and advisers and receiving support and guidance from Lindner’s dedicated Career Services Center, to experiential learning via course and capstone projects partnered with real companies.
Lindner’s full-time MBA Class of 2024 featured students from a diverse array of backgrounds — with an average of three years of work experience in varying fields, including computer science, engineering, medicine and music — coming together to tackle learning inside and outside of the classroom.
Johnny Rungtusanatham, PhD, academic director, MBA programs, addresses students at an end-of-the-year celebration.
“The Lindner MBA cohort program is highly selective and intensive. Our aim is to transform these individuals, whatever their personal, professional and educational backgrounds may be, into Lindner MBA graduates,” said Johnny Rungtusanatham, academic director, MBA programs, Ohio Eminent Scholar in Operations Management and Quantitative Analysis, and professor of operations, business analytics, and information systems. “Our Lindner MBA graduates apply their MBA knowledge and skills, whether leading or following, to enact change for positive economic, social and environmental benefits to organizations and society.”
Each year brings new experiences for Lindner’s MBA students, but the journey remains equally transformative for all students.
Experiential learning locally and globally
Throughout their year-long journey, students engage with companies, communities and one another both locally in the classroom and globally through study abroad.
A requirement of the full-time MBA program, students travel to Chile during the spring semester to deepen their studies in organizational resilience and crisis management on a global stage. To do this, students participate in workshops and simulations at the Universidad del Desarrollo and visit businesses in the surrounding region. But it isn’t all work and no play, as students also experience Chilean history and culture with day trips to Valparaiso and Vina del Mar.
“The MBA global experience is a key integrative component of our full-time program. This is the juncture where students dig deep and start synthesizing the knowledge they’re gaining with high-impact experiential learning applied to Chilean businesses,” said Michelle Johns, PhD, assistant professor-educator of management and faculty leader of the Chile experience. “We’re tackling intricate business challenges on-the-ground, swiftly broadening our cultural competency and sharpening our global business acumen. This curated study abroad is packed with powerful insights, VIP access and cultural discovery. It’s an exciting time!”
In addition to being a crash course in international business, the experience also works to strengthen students' bonds.
“I built relationships with my classmates in a week that will last forever. Being part of the cohort program allowed us to become very, very close over the year,” said Jack Hussey, MBA ’24. “That's something I won't forget.”
The full-time, cohort MBA degree program includes a required study abroad experience in Chile. Photo provided.
Back stateside, the whirlwind of experiential learning continues as students visit top Cincinnati companies and complete their capstone. Capstone projects act as a culmination of students’ educational experiences, partnering them with leading companies to solve a real-world business problem facing the organizations.
“I think this project allowed my team to gain experience working with global companies and actually contributing to a meaningful project,” said Abigail Martin, MBA ’24. “The recommendations that we developed, they are able to be leveraged and implemented within their company.”
The MBA capstone helps students apply classroom learnings, connect with alumni and employer partners, and grow in their professional careers.
“We were able to gain experiences in industries that we might not have thought about pursuing. Our partner was a consulting company, and it really opened my eyes to potentially consulting later as a career opportunity,” added Martin.
Final exams and capstone projects complete, students graduate from the program taking the MBA oath. Established by the Harvard Business School, the MBA oath calls for students to abide by ethical and moral business practices.
Bright futures ahead
With oaths taken and diplomas in hand, students take the next steps in their journeys: entering the job market and the workforce. And the 360-degree support students receive ensures they are on a path to success.
Students capped off the year celebrating their upcoming graduation.
“One of the best experiences was having a career coach at your disposal,” said Lucas Biondi, MBA ’24. “I took the first half of the year to figure out what else I was interested in and then I met with Weston (Atchison), my career adviser. I sat down with him and showed him what I wanted, and then we could map out a plan.”
With this support, many students receive high-level placements post-graduation, pursuing management programs, opportunities in consulting and more.
“I'm going to work for Wells Fargo in Charlotte and I'm hoping to leverage my MBA in my career long term,” said Hussey. “It's [getting an MBA] something I decided to do early on, and I'm hoping it will allow me to achieve higher managerial positions after I start my career.”
Hear more about the MBA student journey
Featured image at top: Students took the MBA oath, dedicating themselves to conducting business ethically. Photos by Suzanne Buzek unless otherwise noted.
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Want to build your professional skills and develop your talents in a way that will open the right doors for you? Lindner's MBA program is small, personalized, customized and immersive. Our full-time, part-time working professionals and online programs have all gained national acclaim. Request more information or join us at a future event.
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