'New' Old Chem reaches latest milestone

Beam signing, topping ceremony mark the next phase of construction

The final beam was hoisted onto the new Old Chemistry building last week in the topping off ceremony for one of the latest additions to the University of Cincinnati’s uptown west campus.

Students, faculty, staff and crew grabbed Sharpies and signed the final beam, making their marks on history. Upon completion of the building’s interior, the signed beam will remain visible.

Construction crew adding signatures to the beam.

Construction crews add signatures to the beam. Photo/Beth Vleaminck

Situated near the center of campus near Langsam Library and the space known as the quad, the 205,000-square-foot structure will house academic and research space for the College of Arts and Sciences and the College of Engineering.  

Designed by BHDP architects, the project includes a new structure added to the original 63,000-square-foot building which was constructed in 1917. The earlier structure is being renovated, and preservation portions of the project included moving an historic Rookwood Pottery foundation from the main foyer to a new location.

The final beam being hoisted into place, with the framework of the new addition in the background.

The final beam is hoisted into place, with the framework of the new addition in the background. Photo/Beth Vleaminck

The final beam was topped with an American flag and evergreen tree as it was raised into position, a sign that a building has reached its final height in construction, and a symbol of good luck for future occupants of the structure.

The project is more than just a renovation; it is a revitalization of a historic landmark to meet the demands of modern education and research, said BHDP in a statement.


Featured image at top: UC students gather to sign the final beam as part of the renovation and new addition to the Old Chemistry building. Photo/Beth Vleaminck.

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