6 tips for staying motivated as an entrepreneur

Keep your entrepreneurial journey on track using these tips

Staying motivated as an entrepreneur can often be challenging, especially during stressful or difficult situations.

Procrastination and giving up aren’t answers, though — instead, there are methods to manage days that’ll keep you on track.

Students at the University of Cincinnati’s 1819 Innovation Hub and its Center for Entrepreneurship are coached on effectively managing their workload to avoid burnout and maintain a sense of ambition. However, the six tips below apply to all founders whether they’re on or off UC’s campus:

1. Set a standard routine

Having a similar daily schedule may sound boring but creating one is known to combat workplace apathy. That’s because a well-planned work routine makes it easier to stay on track and see what you’ve already accomplished toward your daily goals.

This tip comes with a few caveats. First, your typical routine must be responsible and well-crafted. Second, stay flexible with work practices should you need to reshuffle priorities to address an urgent need.

“Don’t feel the need to stick to a standard 9-to-5 routine,” said Rebecca Arwine, assistant professor of management at UC’s Carl H. Lindner College of Business. “If your entrepreneurial role allows flexibility in when you work, experiment with different working routines. Identify your peak productivity periods. In doing so, you can identify your chronotype and investigate the best strategies for your type.”

2. Plot out specific goals

Goal setting provides an easy opportunity to measure work outcomes. By doing so, you can tell where you’ve exceeded — or failed to meet — startup priorities. Celebrate successes and take note of situations where you missed work priorities.

Goals are important, but so is flexibility for founders.

Rebecca Arwine Assistant professor of management, UC's Lindner College of Business

“Goals are important but so is flexibility for founders,” Arwine said. “Instead of rigid goals, founders should focus on objectives and key results (OKRs). This framework encourages setting ambitious objectives with measurable key results, but it's designed to be adaptable.”

If you’ve got OKRs in your head but not on paper, keeping track of them is harder. On the other hand, writing down specifics allows you to evaluate productivity and recalibrate as needed. Doing so could motivate you during your entrepreneurial journey.

“Founders should also try to break down long-term goals into short-term sprints,” Arwine said. “This allows them to focus on smaller, more manageable tasks that can be quickly adjusted based on feedback and changes in the market or technology.”

3. Take care of yourself

To be a productive startup founder, prioritize health and wellness needs. Everything from your diet and fitness regimen to your sleep schedule and work hours matter when balancing entrepreneurship with your physical, mental and spiritual health.

No matter how crazy work gets, don’t neglect yourself. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by caring for your body and prioritizing mental health.

“Keeping multiple well-being components in balance,” Arwine said, “enables entrepreneurs to show up as better versions of themselves both in and outside of their work.”

4. Keep distractions away

We all fall prey to distractions occasionally, but they’re dangerous when they pile up. Staying motivated as an entrepreneur is less complicated when you push away temptations.

Keep your phone in a different room, avoid working from bed and keep the TV off during work hours. Even on breaks, practice healthy habits like walking or eating a nutritious snack. Staying motivated is simpler when you keep roadblocks to a productive day at bay.

5. Know what drives you

Headshot of Rebecca Arwine

Rebecca Arwine. Photo/Rebecca Arwine

An easy way to stay motivated is by making a meaningful impact through your 9-to-5 role. That’s hopefully a reason you founded your startup! However, the drudgery of each day plus unexpected tasks could remove your original enthusiasm.

In those moments, focus on what drives you forward. Why did you originally start your business? What about entrepreneurialism brightens up the bad days? Focus on those moments when it gets difficult to move forward.

“Have a vision statement that you always return to and ensure that everything you’re doing is working toward that vision statement,” Arwine said. “It will help to reground what you’re doing with even the most menial of tasks.”

6. Reward successes

It’s especially worth celebrating success when you’re fighting for every win, which is true of most entrepreneurs struggling with motivation. Therefore, reward yourself when you overcome roadblocks and gain an entrepreneurial victory.

Maybe that means savoring a fancy dinner or heading away for a weekend trip. Perhaps it’s something smaller like inviting friends over or enjoying a stay-at-home movie night. Whatever it is, reward yourself for succeeding — that’ll keep you motivated next time.

In summary

There’s no way around it — being a startup founder is challenging. When it gets difficult to move forward, consider our six tips to sustain momentum as an entrepreneur.

The Venture Lab at UC’s 1819 Innovation Hub provides sage advice for businesspeople on staying motivated. Placed in the founder-heavy Cincinnati Innovation District, often known as the Center for the Silicon Heartland, entrepreneurs at 1819 gain insights from others with similar struggles.

Know that you’re not alone in lacking motivation — but more importantly, remember that procrastination isn’t inevitable. Keep working hard and your struggles will eventually be rewarded.

Featured image at top: Businessperson on a laptop and calculator. Photo/Adobe Stock

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