Bookstore Turns a Page, Moves to New TUC

The UC Bookstore has received its marching orders and is moving into the  south wing of Tangeman University Center (TUC).

According to Vicki Rogers, marketing program director for campus services, the Bookstore will close at 5 p.m. on Friday, March 7.  After moving all goods and books over the weekend of March 8 and 9, the store will reopen for business at 7:30 a.m. on

Monday, March 10

.  Retail functions moving into the renovated TUC space will include textbooks and supplies, general books, clothing and gifts, the convenience market, and the Clinique counter.

Certain service functions that have been housed in the bookstore -- the Computer Shop, Campus Copy and the post office -- have already moved into Sander Annex and will remain there through the end of the year.  The annex will be accessible on the north side, facing Turner and Schneider residence halls.  Early in 2004, the three business services will move into their permanent home within the Student Life Center which is set for completion in January 2004.

Because TUC will open in stages and construction will continue through the coming year, Bookstore access will only be available via the south side of the building throughout 2003.  Thus, access will be available via the new bridge that stretches from CCM plaza and University Pavilion's second floor to TUC's south side. 

Access will also be available from the sidewalk along the north side of University Pavilion.  That's because construction fences that have blocked the path from McMicken Commons to University Pavilion for the past year will be pulled back further onto the Commons. 

A special bookstore shuttle for the next month will pick up patrons at the turnaround location bordered by the current bookstore, the Event Pavilion and the Engineering Research Center.  This shuttle service will ferry users on a route along Martin Luther King Jr. Dr., onto Jefferson, to Corry Blvd. and then to the CCM Plaza.  Patrons will then be able to proceed to the new bookstore location.  The shuttle will run from 8 a.m.-6 p.m., Monday through Friday, from March 10 through April 4. The shuttle's purpose is to help familiarize customers with the new Bookstore location, particularly as students approach the time when they will be buying books for spring quarter.

TUC's north wing renovation is set for completion in January 2004.  When complete, the entire TUC facility will be open and accessible.  The new TUC will include a table-service restaurant with outdoor seating facing McMicken Commons and a new Great Hall in the south wing, as well as a 600-seat food court, 200-seat theater, new game room,  banking, meeting rooms and lounges, and rotating shopping kiosks in the north wing.


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