Callan's Award-Winning Teaching Blends Love And Skill

Just the mention of economics can make the most stalwart student cringe. People have so many misperceptions of the topic and many students try their best to avoid the course, often delaying the inevitable. But many of the students in Joy M. Callan's classes have found that the reality is not near as frightening as their anticipation. Such a change of heart is due to her passion for the subject - and her students.

By blending her love of the subject with her teaching skills, Callan, a winner of University of Cincinnati's 2004 Mrs. A. B. "Dolly" Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching and professor in the

Business and Economics Department


Raymond Walters College

, has discovered how to instill an interest in economics in her students.

"Since so many students approach the study of economics with trepidation, I have developed an approach which combines lectures, graphing, informal discussions, and group work," explains Professor Callan. "I use all of these techniques, trying to reach all students."

One student wrote, "Professor Callan is an excellent teacher and always tries to stimulate the students' desire to learn. In addition, she always makes sure the students get what she is teaching, and tries different approaches to ensure that every student understands. Her creative approaches that help her students learn also make her classes enjoyable."

She adds that her comprehensive method, "allows students to integrate what they read and hear with what we are discussing in class, and it reinforces class work and understanding. In fact, students often bring in articles or write to say that they have discovered material which might be helpful and their comments reflect a heightened awareness and a new openness to the topic."

In addition, Callan has embraced different technologies in order to keep a fresh approach to the subject and make the information relevant to both business and non-business majors. Her incorporation of the Internet into class assignments is one indication of her ongoing drive to find new ways to connect with her students.

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One student, in her nomination of Professor Callan, explained her personal attitude change, thanks to Professor Callan's teaching style. "Ever since my first day at Raymond Walters College, I had dreaded taking economics. I am a sociology major so the idea of taking a business course did not appeal to me. However, my mind changed quickly after I took Economics I with Professor Callan. She is a wonderful teacher who is very knowledgeable. She made it possible for me to learn and enjoy economics."

Focusing on Callan's skill as a teacher, the student continues, "She has a great sense of humor and she uses that as a way to get her students to understand what she's trying to teach. Economics has now become one of my favorite subjects and I give all of the credit to Professor Callan."

Another nominator wrote that Professor Callan "exemplifies everything that a great professor should be. She is someone who is able to take a challenging course and make it fun to be in and worth your while for all the hard work that is needed to get through the class. She can connect with any type of student at any age, from the fresh out of high school student to the student who took a 12 year break from their education..."

Her peers also hold Professor Callan in high regard. Susan Wheeler, Chair of the Art & Visual Communication Department, states that, "Students comment to me that Joy can make economics understandable for them when others could not. They comment on her enthusiasm and how it makes them take a second look at what they thought initially was a dreary subject. I too find Joy's enthusiasm infectious."

Time and time again, students share their fear of economics with Professor Callan, only to have her address that fear through a sharing of information -- and herself. Her philosophy of teaching is based on genuine two-way communication. "I've found that a more collaborative style works best in allaying student anxieties about the subject," explains Professor Callan. "For me, the most enjoyable aspect is in seeing the evolution from fear to openness to interest on the part of the student. Every time, I am honored to be part of that process."

Professor Callan's personal interest in how attitudes affect behavior led her to research several evolving fields, primarily attitudes toward women in management and gender differences in attitudes toward computers. Known on the Raymond Walters College campus for her interest in management and security, especially issues related to computer and identity fraud, she also has completed several original research projects on the non-traditional management area of women in security management.

A quick scan at her curriculum vitae illustrates her leadership in these areas. She's developed courses such as Women in the Business World and authored articles and monographs like "Women in Nontraditional Management Careers," "The Gender Gap: Women and Computers," "Women and Computer Anxiety" and "Women in Security Management: A Status Report." In addition, Professor Callan has served on numerous university and RWC committees that focus on the special interests and needs of women, including serving as guest lecturer for the Center for Women's Studies; a presenter for Women in Business Workshop; and member of the Dean's Task Force on Cultural Diversity.

Throughout her years with Raymond Walters College, Professor Callan has seen a multitude of changes on the campus, yet the student body seems quite similar. "Most students want to learn and merely need direction and encouragement. Part of my role and responsibility as the instructor is to remove any hindrance that may keep them from progressing. I tell my students to set objectives, to strive for excellence, to be flexible and to prepare, always, for change."

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Professor Callan's ability to connect the course subject matter with a broader world relevant to all her students is often cited as her main strength as an educator. It is her respect for her students that allows her to lead them from their initial hesitancy to comprehension and interest - regardless of the material being studied.

And this respect is mutual, as indicated by comments from another student support letter: "Not only is she an outstanding teacher, but she is someone you can stop in the hall to talk to. And through her classroom atmosphere, willingness to express and listen to questions and opinions, and a general aura of respect created within the class, Professor Callan inspires students to be better students."

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