WEDNESDAY: UC Fraternities Honor Cincinnati Firefighter

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, two national Greek-lettered organizations at the University of Cincinnati, will be hosting the Oscar Armstrong Memorial Balloon Launch at 5 p.m. Wednesday, May 26, on the Sigma Sigma Commons on UC’s campus. The proceeds of the balloon launch will go to the benefit of the family of Mr. Armstrong.

Oscar Armstrong III was a firefighter for the City of Cincinnati who was killed in the line of duty on March 21, 2003. Armstrong was the first firefighter in Cincinnati to lose his life in the line of duty in the past 22 years. Armstrong left behind a pregnant fiancé and two young sons.

“I don’t think there was one person in the Tristate area that wasn’t touched by the passing of Mr. Armstrong,” said Justin Gibson, president of Phi Beta Sigma’s UC Chapter. “It is the honor of my organization to bring honor to his name by raising funds for his children, so that they can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle, despite the loss of their father.”

Balloons can be purchased at three dollars per balloon, or two for five dollars. The two fraternities hope to raise at least $2,000 for the children’s benefit fund. Balloon orders can be made in advance by emailing Justin Gibson at or Jon Cremons at Balloons will also be available for purchase on the day of the event.  Phi Beta Sigma and Pi Kappa Alpha are also looking to solicit assistance from the Cincinnati Police and Fire Departments.

“This is an opportunity to make a difference in the life of an entire family. It is a great chance for them to truly see how much the community cares about them and their tragic loss,” said Jon Cremons, treasurer of the Alpha Xi Chapter of Pi Kappa Alpha. 

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