UC Grads Reach 90 Percent Passage Mark On Ohio Bar Exam

For the second straight year, University of Cincinnati College of Law graduates showed significant improvement in their performance on the July Ohio Bar Exam.

The passage rate for first-time UC applicants was 90 percent, just a shade behind the state’s top performer on the test, Ohio State, which had a 91 percent passage rate.

UC’s passage rate for all test-takers was 86 percent, also good for second place among Ohio’s total of nine law schools.

Last year, 87 percent of UC’s first-time applicants passed the July exam. Results of first-time applicants are widely considered to be the most significant measure of a school’s performance on the exam.

"We are very pleased with the bar examination performance of our most recent graduates and we recognize and appreciate their dedication," says Donna Nagy, interim dean for the UC College of Law.

UC's showing this year put the school well above the overall statewide averages of 82 percent of first-time applicants who passed and 73 percent overall.

A total of 56 UC graduates who were first-time applicants out of 62 who took the exam passed the test. The overall numbers were 56 who passed out of 65 who took the test.

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