JETS TEAMS Annual Competition Blasts Off At The University of Cincinnati On Feb. 24

UC continues to celebrate National Engineers' Week  when 600 high-school students from around Ohio and Kentucky participate on Feb. 24 in the “Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics and Science” (TEAMS)  competition on the University of Cincinnati Uptown campus. The competition at UC, which takes place from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., is the largest TEAMS competition in the nation and is one of seven taking place in Ohio this spring.

TEAMS is a dynamic academic program and competition that introduces high-school students to the world of engineering. TEAMS is sponsored nationally by JETS — the Junior Engineering Technical Society, a national non-profit organization promoting interest in engineering, science, mathematics and technology.

Each year, more than 20,000 top high-school students and coaches participate in over 100 TEAMS sites across the country. From this one-day, two-part competition, local, state and national awards and recognition are determined. This interscholastic competition helps to prepare students for tomorrow’s world today. Students learn how the math and science concepts they are learning in high school are applied to real-world problems. The TEAMS program encourages tomorrow’s engineers to work cooperatively and think critically. Teams of four to eight students compete in an open-book, open-note, open discussion that encourages students to think critically. The questions posed represent college freshman-level engineering coursework.

Each team competes at the Varsity or Junior Varsity level in one of seven school-based divisions, which are determined by school size and selectivity of admissions. The TEAMS competition exam is given in two parts, each of which lasts for 90 minutes. Part I consists of a series of objective multiple-choice questions related to various engineering situations. Part II requires students to describe and defend their solutions to open-ended, subjective questions related to problems from Part I.

The teams’ answers to Part I are scored on competition day and are used to determine local and state standings, as well as eligibility for national scoring. At the UC competition, awards will be presented on February 24 to the winners of Part I, the regional portion of the test. UC’s College of Engineering will award $35,000 in scholarships.

The Part II responses are scored at JETS for national ranking. State and national awards and recognition are determined by JETS and are based on Part I and Part II scores, respectively. JETS will award trophies and certificates and other prizes to be determined to the top ten national teams in each division.

UC will host 36 high schools this year, with some schools sending more than one team:

Amelia High School (OH)
Anderson High School (OH)
Badin High School (OH)
Ballard High School (KY)
Beechwood High School (KY)
Bishop Brossart High School (KY)
Campbell County High School (KY)
Centerville High School (OH)
Cincinnati Country Day School (OH)
Covington Catholic High School (KY)
Covington Latin School School (KY)
Elder High School (OH)
Harrison High School (OH)
Lakota West High School (OH)

Loveland High School (OH)

Madeira High School (OH)

Mariemont High School (OH)

McAuley High School (OH)

McNicholas High School (OH)

Middletown High School (OH)

Milford High School (OH)

Mother of Mercy High School (OH)

Norwood High School (OH)

Oak Hills High School (OH)

St. Ursula Academy (OH)

St. Xavier High School (OH)

Seton High School (OH)

Spring Valley Academy (OH)

Sycamore High School (OH)

Trotwood Madison High School (OH)

Turpin High School (OH)

Ursuline Academy (OH)

Walnut Hills High School (OH)

Williamsburg High School (OH)

Winton Woods High School (OH)

Wyoming High School (OH)

JETS is a 50-year-old nonprofit organization that promotes high-school interest nationwide in engineering, science, mathematics and technology. JETS programs aim at getting students involved with engineering and preparing for future careers while still in high school.
UC’s TEAMS competition will take place from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Tangeman University Center (TUC).

Schedule of Events
8:00 – 8:30 a.m. Registration in the Great Hall of TUC
8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Welcome Dr. Roy Eckart, Dean of the College of Engineering
    Egg Drop Contest Information — Engineering Tribunal
    Dismissal of Junior Varsity TEAMS to 400 TUC
    Instructions for Testing — Julie Burdick

9:00 – 10:30 a.m. Regional Testing (Part I) Begins

9:30 a.m. Coaches’ Meeting — University Pavilion, Room 310 (located adjacent to Tangeman University Center)
    Escorts will be provided.
    Continental breakfast offered.

10:30 – 10:55 a.m. Break Period

11:00 – 12:30 p.m. National Testing (Part II)

12:30 – 1:00 p.m. Lunch provided by the College of Engineering

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Egg Drop Contest — Participants Only: meet Egg Drop Chairpersons at the back of Great Hall

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Options for students and guests not competing in Egg Drop:
• Visit Admissions Office — University Pavilion, 3rd floor
• Visit UC Bookstore, TUC
• Watch the Egg Drop Contest on the Veterans Memorial Bridge outside the University Bookstore

 2:00 – 3:00 p.m.  Awards Program — TUC Great Hall

For more information, contact Julie Burdick, Director of Pre-Admissions, College of Engineering, University of Cincinnati, (513) 556-5417

Visit the College of Engineering Web page to learn more about JETS TEAMS

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