University of Cincinnati Pays Tribute to Its Veterans

Veterans young and old were in military dress as they joined the UC community in remembering the sacrifices of those who have served the nation. Brigadier General James M. Kowalski, the commander of the 552nd Air Control Wing at Tinker Air Force Base in Okalahoma City, returned to his alma mater, the University of Cincinnati, to serve as guest speaker of the ceremony.

“Many have taken their time from the university as teachers, administrators and students to serve our nation,” Kowalski said. “Whenever and wherever they serve, our nation’s veterans have always answered the call and many have died in freedom’s defense.”

Kowalski remarked on some of Ohio’s military veterans who have been awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor, stating that they’re among “the millions who live on because we remember them and honor them…

“But more importantly, we remember them for why they did it. Their service was not to kings or dictators. It was not for money or power. It was for freedom – freedom as a right to be earned at the pain of death. Freedom as a cause important enough to risk all. Freedom as a bastion to be defended. As we remember and honor our veterans, we also remember and honor their cause. Our veterans, first of all, were our founding fathers. Their examples of courage and sacrifice provided our nation a beacon to navigate the treacherous waters of history,” Kowalski said.

Two UC alums and World War II Veterans – Dante Di Tommaso and Lynn Ashley – as well as Vietnam-era and Desert Storm Veteran Sophia Dziegielewski, director of the UC School of Social Work, were presented a proclamation from UC President Nancy L. Zimpher, honoring the members of the university community who have answered the call to serve. They in turn presented the proclamation to UC Army ROTC Cadet Nicholas Browning of Hamilton, and UC Air Force ROTC Cadet Libya Watson – veterans of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom.

The proclamation will be on permanent display in the ROTC building, located at the corner of Dennis Street and Corry Boulevard on UC’s campus. It states:

“NOW, THEREFORE, I, Nancy L. Zimpher, President of the University of Cincinnati, urge all University faculty, staff and students to observe November 7 through November 13, 2006, as National Veterans Awareness Week and to observe Veterans Day on November 11. All are urged to recognize the valor and sacrifice of our veterans through ceremonies and reflections.  I call upon University organizations and groups to proudly display the flag of the United States and to encourage and participate in patriotic activities in their communities.  I invite all to support this national observance with commemorative expressions and programs.

“IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this ninth day of November, two thousand six, as President of the University of Cincinnati, Nancy L. Zimpher.”

The ceremony closed with a dramatic rendition of “Taps,” featuring buglers Nathan Wiczer and Brandon Yokum, stationed in the towers of TUC and McMicken Hall.

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